The following links takes you directly to the Government website.
Click here to apply for Art & Design
Click here to apply for Biology
Click here to apply for Chemistry
Click here to apply for Computing
Click here to apply for Design & Technology
Click here to apply for Drama
Click here to apply for English
Click here to apply for Geography
Click here to apply for History
Click here to apply for Mathematics
Click here to apply for Modern Languages (French & Spanish)
Click here to apply for Music
Click here to apply for Physical Education (PE)
Click here to apply for Religious Education
You will be asked to do a number of tasks on the day:
A Written Task in response to pre-interview reading
A Subject knowledge Audit. Candidates will be asked to complete a subject audit in their main specialism. This will take a form of a short discussion with an experienced teacher.
A Mini-Teach. You will be given guidance to prepare a 20-30 minute activity, based on a Key Stage 3 topic that has captured your interest. The purpose of this activity is to show us that you can make your subject interesting & accessible. Also that you can communicate your enthusiasm for the subject to your audience. We are interested in how you respond to the feedback given following your 'mini-teach'.
An Individual Interview. This will normally last around 15-20 minutes. The interview will usually be conducted by school staff and/or university tutors and will seek to determine: your commitment to teaching, identify gaps in your subject knowledge outside of your main subject (there are numerous paths available involving subject knowledge) and probe your reasons for wanting to join the profession. We do not expect candidates to have experience of working in a school, but we would like candidates to be able to talk about the reality of working in a school. We would also expect candidates to have some familiarity with the current national curriculum in their subject.
The University of Cumbria offer lots of support for students studying with disabilities:
They can help you apply for for Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA)
Provide you with screening for specific learning difficulties (SpLD) once you you have enrolled
Develop an action plan to ensure academic staff are aware of your individual needs and work with you to access the relevant support either through our university or external specialist services
An undergraduate degree, or equivalent
Your degree subject should be the subject your intending to do or similar. Otherwise you'll need to prove your subject knowledge in some other way
Grade 4 (C) or above in English & Maths, or equivalent qualification
We'll consider candidates with pending GCSEs
We'll consider candidates who need to take a GCSE equivalency test in English or Maths
(You will be expected to fund your equivalency tests with a recognised third party.)
We are looking for applicants who are passionate about their subject with a real desire to inspire and improve the outcomes for all students. You will need to be reflective and appreciative of the demands and rewards that a career in teaching offers.
If your concerned about how well you know the subject you wish to teach, do not worry - you may be able to complete an online 'Subject Enhancement Course' (SKE) through TES.
SKE courses can help when you have:
A different but related degree to the subject you want to teach
An A-level but not degree in the subject
An unrelated degree but relevant professional experience
Studied for a languages degree, but need to develop a second language to an acceptable level for teaching in schools
Not used your subject knowledge for a while